Procedure: Breast Augmentation
This delightful 39-year old mother of 2 was displeased with the size and deflation of her breasts. She desired to undergo breast enhancement procedure. Pre-operatively, she was noted to have asymmetry of her breast size that was to be corrected with appropriate size implants. Due to her active life style, she desired a procedure with the least amount of down time and recovery. She was offered the Active Augmentation Procedure at APS with 250 ml smooth round silicone gel implant on the right side and 300 ml smooth round silicone implant on the left side placed in the pre-pectoral position. In pre-pectoral position, implants are placed on top of the chest muscle, the pectoralis major, resulting in less recovery and no animation. The photograph below shows her 6 month result. She is very pleased with her new, more harmonious look.