The belly, the tummy, the “abs”, the “poochie”. The abdomen is one of the main regions targeted in weight loss techniques and exercise, for it defines the middle region of our body. A toned and muscular abdomen is also one of the most shown-off regions of the body, making some feel confident while others inadequate. Sometimes weight loss, exercise, and dieting are simply not enough to get rid of the excess fat between the abdominal muscles. One may experience loose and sagging skin distending from the belly, causing discomfort and insecurity. A surgical option to correct the unwanted fat in the belly is an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck.
Fat in the abdominal area
Fat in the abdominal area can come from many factors. Age, genetic predispositions, fluctuations in weight, and pregnancy can all affect and sculpt this region over time. The abdominal muscles separated by fat and drooping skin are all able to be corrected by a tummy tuck. The procedure requires a horizontal incision above the pubic hairline along the contour of the excess skin. This skin is lifted, and the underlying muscles are repaired. In fact, this is the only procedure that allows correction of the muscle separation occurring after pregnancy or weight loss, when the content inside your belly pushed the muscles apart. Although after delivery or weight loss the additional “volume” in your tummy is gone, the muscles may not come back together creating a ridge or bulge that needs a surgical repair. Once this has been corrected, a second incision is used to cut out the belly button from the skin. The upper abdominal skin is then pulled downwards over the areas of newly removed skin and sutured above the pubic hair line. A new hole for the bellybutton is created in the skin, and it is popped through to return to its original position. The wounds are sutured, taped, and bandaged to close the skin incisions.
There are a few contraindications to tummy tuck surgery. The procedure is not a substitute for weight loss programs or exercise. Further fluctuations in weight can also reverse the effects of tummy tucks. Make sure that before undergoing this procedure, you are not planning to become pregnant or planning substantial weight loss after your surgery. Though tummy tucks remove excess skin, it is not a procedure meant for stretch mark correction. They may be partially removed with the excess skin, yet this is not guaranteed.
Tummy Tuck with other procedures
An abdominoplasty can also be coupled with breast augmentation to create a mommy makeover. The incredible benefit of this procedure is that the fat from the tummy tuck can be taken and put into the breast, creating a natural shape, form, and composition. Fat can be derived from the abdomen via liposuction, filtered, processed, and put back into the breasts. Fat grafting in a cosmetic breast procedure yields fantastic effects because it eliminates the fear of a breast implant and allows the skin atop the fat to rejuvenate. Additionally, the fat with lose and gain weight with you because it will be you!
The decision to undergo a tummy tuck can be difficult, but do not allow anyone to pressure or force you into deciding to go through with the procedure. You should not try to fit a particular image or an image of someone else. Make sure you are confident with your decision as well. Choose a surgeon with appropriate accreditation such as ASPS membership and board certification to further assure you that you are in good hands. Also, do not be ashamed of investing in yourself! The weeks of downtime will produce life-altering results, so do not view the surgery as an undeserved investment. If such a procedure will make you happy, then you need to feel confident and excited to go through with it!