Sweat is our body’s natural cooling mechanism triggered by atmospheric changes, most commonly in our arm pits, forehead, feet, and hands. Unfortunately, sweat and body odor can create a bothersome and even embarrassing experience in some situations. Hyperhidrosis is excess sweating in the absence of drastic temperature changes or exercise. If you have sweat dripping down your back, off your hands or forehead, or staining your clothes, you may want to consider a proactive and safe treatment option to calm down your overreactive sweat glands. At Advanced Plastic Surgery, we offer microneedling radiofrequency for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Although the effects of the procedure take a few months to become apparent, the results can be dramatic!
Power of microneedles
Microneedling radiofrequency combines the mechanical stamping action of many needles as well as radiofrequency energy and heat to treat the skin. The aesthetician operating the machine stamps the face with a handpiece containing many needles to penetrate the lower layers of the skin. The depths of the needles are adjustable to every patient’s skin, but they must be deep in order to reach the specialized cells within the dermis. Usually, the microneedling machine releases radiofrequency energy with each stamp which stimulates collagen and elastin production. The stamps are also done with a 50% overlap to ensure the entire area is being thoroughly treated. Microneedling has been shown to help with acne scarring, wrinkles, large pores, and minimizing the appearance of other scars anywhere on the body. With its deep-reaching needles, it can also treat overreactive sweat glands.
Greater quality of life
The versatile uses of radiofrequency energy minimize the burdensome effects of hyperhidrosis in as little as 1 week after initial treatment. With 3 treatments, each 6 weeks apart, the full course of radiofrequency energy should eliminate the problem of over perspiration. Patients who have undergone this treatment report a greater quality of life, minimized social discomfort, and less worry about sweat-stained clothing and embarrassment.
Alternative options
Alternative solutions to hyperhidrosis include muscle relaxers such as Botox Cosmetic which temporarily relieves excess sweating, prescription deodorants, and hand creams. There are also other medical devices which operate the same way as microneedling but can be more expensive for the patient. Whatever treatment plan you choose, know that hyperhidrosis is not a permanent state! Take action to combat your source of discomfort in an effective manner to restore your quality of life.