Let’s face it- gravity always wins. What goes up must come back down, even on the face! With the passing of time, the layers of fat underneath the skin in the face – those overtop the cheek bones, eyelids, and around the mouth- begin to fade away and die.
The beauty of volumizers
This loss of fullness, perkiness, and shape in the face causes the skin to succumb to the force of gravity, producing saggy skin and a hollow look. Luckily, volumizers, also known as fillers, are safe and effective treatments that greatly reduce the effect of aging and loss of volume in the face! The beauty of volumizers is the fact that they are made of a substance- hyaluronic acid- that is naturally found in the body.
Powerfull Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid’s function is to act as a source of water to skin cells in the lower regions of the skin. Its potent ability to store water gives skin a hydrated and glowing look that creates a healthy, youthful appearance. In addition to the hyaluronic acid, manufacturers of volumizers manipulate the hyaluronic acid itself to generate multiple cross links between molecules. This creates a firmer, more solid product designed to lift the skin overtop when injected. The cross-linking technology also prevents the hyaluronic acid from being degraded by the body via the enzyme hyaluronidase, allowing the volumizer product to create a lifting effect for many months.
Amazing procedure at Advanced Plastic Surgery
An exciting feature of volumizers is their versatility and ability to be injected into multiple regions of the face. Products with smoother formulas work well inside lips, around the eyes, and in the forehead. Thicker products with more cross links between the individual molecules of hyaluronic acid work best in the cheeks, around the mouth, and even around the nose. These are the “traditional” places in which volumizers can be injected, but at Advanced Plastic Surgery, we also perform periocular rejuvenation, the injection of volumizer product above and below the eyes to smooth wrinkles, lift the skin, and fill in layers of fat lost to gravity and aging over time.
With this quick procedure, and only a few injections, you will notice drastic changes in the way age appears on the face. Volumizer can also be injected into the hands to reduce the appearance of boniness, veins, and age – literally reversing the hands of time! Moreover, the formulation of the product itself contains lidocaine, a numbing cream which eases the pain after injection.
Amazing results
Volumizers are a quick, easy, and effective treatment to restore fullness, shape, and youth to the lips, cheeks, eyes, and hands. Safe and natural, these cleverly designed products will give you the long-term benefits of volume and shape without having to undergo a permanent and costly procedure such as a blepharoplasty, forehead lift, or even facelift. They can also act as great “entry level” products for those looking to test out a temporary option before undergoing any kind of surgical procedure! Versatile and useful, volumizers are a fantastic option to combat the weight of gravity while naturally treating the skin to hydrating products. You will immediately notice the results!